This first shot here is taken form the preliminary task filmed before we made out main film. This film is driven by many over the shoulder shots and mid shots, and has some basic dialogue before it ends. It was quite a boring scene, and could have so much more in it.As for the editing, it was simple straight cuts.
These two shots have been taken from the actual film opening itself. This is only a sample of shots taken from it, with one being a close up and the other being a longshot/two-shot. However, our film opening includes many other types of shots including mid shots and point of view shots. The editing in this is a bit more advanced compared to the preliminary task. We do have straight cuts, but we also have fade in and fade to black scenes to signal the start of the film and the change of scenery completely.
The main film opening also features slow editing at the start of the film when we are being introduced to the characters, followed by fast editing as the chase scene begins. For the mobile phone bit, we have a match on action shot where the character's eyes look down and we see movement in his arms, and then there is a cut to see that he is holding the mobile phone that he stole right at the start of the film opening. Additionally, we always ensured throughout production that we never broke the 180 degree rule, making sure that all action was occurring within 180 degrees of the direction that the camera was pointing.
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